GST : 27AAACU6487C1Z7

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Product Image (104)

ब्लो डाउन वाल्व

कीमत: आईएनआर/टुकड़ा

Usmani Valves Co pvt ltd Boiler Blow Down Valves are Bolted Bonnet Design & Parallel Slide Type. Usmani Boiler Blow Down Valves are available with Rack & Pinion arrangement for easy and quick operation. Stellited trims are provided for all above 600# as a manufacturing standard of ( UTVC ) valves and in lower rating also on request. Deep stuffing box is providing to assure tightness and maximum packing life. Usmani valves Boiler Blow Down Valves available under any Third party inspection including IBR (Indian Boiler Regulation) in size range from 25mm to 100mm up 900# pressure rating.

Product Image (05)

स्टीम ट्रैप

कीमत: आईएनआर/टुकड़ा

Valve Features Thermodynamic steam traps manufactured by Uamani valves co pvt ltd are best suited and widely used for mainline trapping applications. Thermodynamic steam traps operate on Bernaulli's principle and are the best choice for mainline condensate drainage.The compact size of our thermodynamic steam traps ensures minimum radiation losses taking place through the trap body. They are robust, efficient and quite maintenance free as only moving part involved is a disc. Usmani valves co pvt ltd Thermodynamic steam Traps are being used for decades by the steam users and reliability and efficiency of these steam traps is proven. Using Usmani valve Thermodynamic steam Traps promises quick removal of condensate and puts a check on water hammer and other condensate related issues. Usmani Thermodynamic Steam trap TD-3 is classified as Usmani valve operated traps and it’s the most widely used trap in the oil and gas industry amongst all types. This thermodynamic steam trap has an extremely robust design and works on a simple mode of operation. It can operate at very high temperature and pressure. The means of operation for the trap is the dynamic effect of steam as it passes through the trap as shown in the sketch 1 below. The disc above the flat face inside the control chamber or cap is the only moving part in the steam trap.


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