GST : 27AAACU6487C1Z7

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भाषा बदलें
Trunnion mounted Ball Valves

ट्रूनियन माउंटेड बॉल वाल्व

210.00 - 2000.00 आईएनआर/टुकड़ा

उत्पाद विवरण:


ट्रूनियन माउंटेड बॉल वाल्व मूल्य और मात्रा

  • 1
  • टुकड़ा/टुकड़े
  • टुकड़ा/टुकड़े

ट्रूनियन माउंटेड बॉल वाल्व उत्पाद की विशेषताएं

  • Cream
  • Paint
  • पानी
  • पीतल
  • 1-12 Inch

ट्रूनियन माउंटेड बॉल वाल्व व्यापार सूचना

  • टेलीग्राफिक ट्रांसफर (T/T)
  • प्रति दिन
  • दिन
  • ऑस्ट्रेलिया मिडल ईस्ट पश्चिमी यूरोप अफ्रीका मध्य अमेरिका दक्षिण अमेरिका एशिया पूर्वी यूरोप उत्तरी अमेरिका
  • ऑल इंडिया

उत्पाद वर्णन

runnion Mount Ball Valve Two टुकड़ा  
UTVC make Bolted , Split Body, Trunion Mount, Full and Reduce Port,Double Block and Bleed , Anti Blow-Out Stem, Anti-Static design, Fire Safe design. tested, and manufactured to provide peak  other performance in your process Trunion mounted ball valve are utilized in some of the most demanding processes in most every industry. and user To withstand the extremes conditions, they must be designed, tested, and manufactured to the highest standards. Our products are designed using the latest design tools, tested to the latest industry standards, and manufactured in state-of-the-art facilities to ensure quality and performance. If process up time and valves performance are important to you, then look no further for all your valve needs 



Design Standard

API 608, API 6D, ASME B16.34

Pressure/Temperature Chart

ASME B16.34

Face to face Dimension

API 6D,  ASME B16.10

Fire Safety

API 607, API 6FA

Testing Standard

API 6D , ISO 5208

Flange Details

ASME B16.5 up to 24″
ASME B16.47 26″ and Above

Size Range

2″ – 24″ (DN50 – DN 600)

ASME Class


Bore Type

Full Port or Reduced Port

Emergency grease

Injection Device for Soft Sealing


Forged Steel: A105 / F316 / F304 /F316L  / LF2/ F6a /

Casting Steel: WCB / LCB /LCC / CF8M / CF8 / CF3M / Inconel

Ball, Stem& Seat Ring

F6a / F316 / F304 / F316L / F51 / F55 /
Inconel / 17.4 PHF6a / F316 / F304 / F316L / F51 / F55 /
Inconel / 17.4 PH


Soft Sealing or Metal to Metal


Flange ends, Butt-weld End


Lever, Gearbox, Pneumatic Actuator, Electric Actuator

Tell us about your requirement


Select Unit

  • 50
  • 100
  • 200
  • 250
  • 500
  • 1000+
Additional detail
मोबाइल number


Ball Valves अन्य उत्पाद

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